Hello fellow liberty lovers & anti-statists, this is Keith Dixon again. In this entry, I will point out why the mainstream religious are hypocritically invested in unfortunate bloodshed. You seem to think I'm just speaking about just Conservatives, but the bluntly honest fact is that some moderate Democrats and even some "mainstream" libertarians are on this destructive bandwagon of "national security"--even when it contradicts their faith directly. So you ask, what are these dangerous contradictions these pro-foreign policy supporters have regarding religion?
Here's one--the most irrational & dangerous mix of hypocrisy right here.
Exodus in the 20th Chapter, 1st verse--"thou shall not kill"
But what exactly is foreign policy? In my assessment, the main core of foreign policy is military personnel. And don't they take orders from a supposedly from a mainstream "Judeo-Christian" President? YES. And what they order the patriotic troops to do? KILL THE ENEMY! Wait a minute--does this not VIOLATE one of God's supposedly main commandments? I say an absolute YES, without question!!! What I don't understand is how these "children of God" gullibly support the troops when they broke God's commandment regarding the verse of Exodus 20:1...which one is it, folks--God or blind patriotism? Don't tell me the 2 go together because God is a God of peace, not violence--the very thing the State enforces on the troops to gain coercive power over another country and the desired "worldly" resources.
Verse #2: "You cannot serve two masters--you must love the one and hate the other".
But what does faith in God and faith in the State that endorses the immoral Military Industrial Complex? SERVING TWO MASTERS--the very thing that God told his children NOT to do--but yet people think that verse does NOT apply to them. Well guess what--IT DOES!!...and another one of God's rules broken yet again by your blind support for the military. I really don't see how these foreign policy-supporting "Judeo Christians" can sleep at night knowing they're blindly supporting 2 masters, that ain't gonna get you into "heaven".
Verse #3: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself".
But isn't blind support of nationalism for a country sparks one to spread unnecessary hate, jealously, and despair across the world "loving your neighbor as you love yourself"? Absolutely NOT. In reverse, it's showing the exact opposite which is HATE. This is another confliction of worship that all of those foreign policy supporters from the religious community have to live with...in addition, God also hinted that those who support murder in any kind will have "bloodshed on their hands".
...this is my short conclusion of the obvious hypocrisy that the mainstream religious regarding their blind support for the military, knowing that "bloodshed will be on their hands". Which one is it, religious folks--God or Patriotism? Remember, you can't have both. God said so himself. So choose your master wisely or face the prospect of NOT making it to heaven. If you choose to be religious, you can't just pick & choose the verses you want to follow. Either you're with God all the way or you're not. And if you are, you cannot support murder in any way--even if the State punishes you for not doing so.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The TRUE Six Degrees of Seperation Regarding the RICH & POOR
Hello folks, this is Keith Dixon again. Today, I'm going to touch on the horrendus impact of the dangerous love affair with minimum wages and a massive hatred toward self-education and salaries. What's the REAL reason the NAACP elitists and every civil rights initiative discouraged every inner city community to NOT read books regarding free market economics or anything similar?
The first piece of the answer to that question has to do with POWER. Haven't you heard the ol' saying that "Knowledge Is Power"? The NAACP elitists had to know the tricks of the trade regarding control of the masses, in this case--the inner-city residents. It's funny these NAACP operatives tell us to read everyday but yet doesn't encourage the community to be self-educated. This is a classic case of modern slavery, don't you think? The NAACP elitists had to know if the masses started to read books and get ideas on their own with the NAACP's permission, the NAACP and all the evil civil rights cronies would be powerless and they know it. Unemployment rates amongst inner cities would've been kept low. Our kids would be learning about entrepreneurship, banks, capital, and business in general. But instead, the progress of the inner-cities has stagnated dramatically. Why? Here's the $1,000,000 answer to that question(no surprise here).....
The offering of a minumum wage (aka "quick money"). It was specifically designed to STOP the progress of self-leadership and the growth of self-education amongst the inner cities. The NAACP elitists was aware of this so they continue to spread this sudden DEMONIZATION of not just salaries or self-responsibility, but that brainwashed motive was spread quickly to anyone who deemed "RICH". Most folks know that the so-called "rich" started off poor but they continued to read books regarding business, innovation, and other things. That's how the majority of the RICH became RICH through....guess what--APPLICATION & HARD WORK along with....READING BOOKS!!!
Let's also look at the impact of unemployment rates amongst ALL of the major cities involved: ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/29/unemployment-in-june-the_n_246950.html )
Detroit, MI tops that list accrording to the Huffington Post. As we know, Motown was once the KING of the automobile world, but it's also KING to unionization as well. And because of that community's strong belief in unionized employment, the unemployment rate remains high--making it tough for people to find work. But all these major cities believe in unionization, which the minimum wage is the MAIN key to gain employment with a set wage. This is how most or all unions chose to be compensated for their workers' illiteracy instead of learning the truth about what prosperity REALLY is.
So what's the final result of minimum wages and their impact in inner-cities? Two words: HIGH ILLITERACY and POVERTY. Nothing's funny when you're dumb--but it's worse when you're DUMB & BROKE thanks to the NAACP elitists and ALL civil rights initiatives. There's only ONE way ALL of the inner-city communties can fight back against this hidden evil of "minimum wages" and that's to read books about the TRUTH of wealth creation. Mix it up with a few inspiring ideas, and "WALLA"--in 10 years, inner-city communities will ALL be restored in that timeframe. And also, it would rid the hatred of prosperous suburbanites as well too. :)
The first piece of the answer to that question has to do with POWER. Haven't you heard the ol' saying that "Knowledge Is Power"? The NAACP elitists had to know the tricks of the trade regarding control of the masses, in this case--the inner-city residents. It's funny these NAACP operatives tell us to read everyday but yet doesn't encourage the community to be self-educated. This is a classic case of modern slavery, don't you think? The NAACP elitists had to know if the masses started to read books and get ideas on their own with the NAACP's permission, the NAACP and all the evil civil rights cronies would be powerless and they know it. Unemployment rates amongst inner cities would've been kept low. Our kids would be learning about entrepreneurship, banks, capital, and business in general. But instead, the progress of the inner-cities has stagnated dramatically. Why? Here's the $1,000,000 answer to that question(no surprise here).....
The offering of a minumum wage (aka "quick money"). It was specifically designed to STOP the progress of self-leadership and the growth of self-education amongst the inner cities. The NAACP elitists was aware of this so they continue to spread this sudden DEMONIZATION of not just salaries or self-responsibility, but that brainwashed motive was spread quickly to anyone who deemed "RICH". Most folks know that the so-called "rich" started off poor but they continued to read books regarding business, innovation, and other things. That's how the majority of the RICH became RICH through....guess what--APPLICATION & HARD WORK along with....READING BOOKS!!!
Let's also look at the impact of unemployment rates amongst ALL of the major cities involved: ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/29/unemployment-in-june-the_n_246950.html )
Detroit, MI tops that list accrording to the Huffington Post. As we know, Motown was once the KING of the automobile world, but it's also KING to unionization as well. And because of that community's strong belief in unionized employment, the unemployment rate remains high--making it tough for people to find work. But all these major cities believe in unionization, which the minimum wage is the MAIN key to gain employment with a set wage. This is how most or all unions chose to be compensated for their workers' illiteracy instead of learning the truth about what prosperity REALLY is.
So what's the final result of minimum wages and their impact in inner-cities? Two words: HIGH ILLITERACY and POVERTY. Nothing's funny when you're dumb--but it's worse when you're DUMB & BROKE thanks to the NAACP elitists and ALL civil rights initiatives. There's only ONE way ALL of the inner-city communties can fight back against this hidden evil of "minimum wages" and that's to read books about the TRUTH of wealth creation. Mix it up with a few inspiring ideas, and "WALLA"--in 10 years, inner-city communities will ALL be restored in that timeframe. And also, it would rid the hatred of prosperous suburbanites as well too. :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Goverment = Masters of Surpression
Hello Liberty heads, this is Keith Dixon once again.
Today my topic is on Surpression and why Government LOVES it. This one is going to be short and straight to the point. It doesn't matter what party you represent. It doesn't even matter whether it's federal, state, or local government(city & county)/ There's a good chance you participate in this pool of surpression and you don't even know it. Politics is about 2 things: Money & Power. And with that money & power, the influence of surpression grows.
I'll first tackle the topic of employment. It's America's number one topic. Tea Party groups are focused on it. Politicians use slick marketing words like, "Main Street" and "Constitution". The elites know what's up with the public. But let me tell you the cold hard fact why Government loves unemployment: "Potential Slave Prospects". The more people are unemployed, the Government "Potential Slave Prospect" list grows. If there's 0.5% unemployment and almost no one is on "Unemployment Benefits", the Gov't lose their power. That's the REAL reason Gov't LOVES unemployment.
Next up is Healthcare. Gov't bureaucracies intentions were to keep the country's citizens healthy. That's proven to be a BIG lie. The destructible FDA, DHS(Dept. Health & Human Services) only look out for BIG Pharma abd SURPRESSES Alternative Medicine altogether. Because of that, millions of Americans die because of that surpression of health freedom to heal one self. It's against American law to heal one self of dangerous chronic illnesses & diseases. Health Practitioners go to jail. Natural Cures get sealed from the public. The more people are cured of chronic illnesses, again--Gov't power is GONE FOREVER! The Gov't wants you sick and unhealthy. It means BIG profits for BIG Pharma, less vibrance for you. That's why you'll never hear such cures to illnesses from a FDA-Puppet doctor or the television.
The last topic I will touch civil freedoms & liberties in the shortest of manners. On Guns, under the so-called 2nd Amendment, you have the right to own a gun for protection from intruders and ALL levels of Gov't. But there's laws that can also take your gun away too. On Freedom of Speech, basically you have the right to say anything you please. But then again, Big Brother is banning books that help individuals to break away from Gov't on a daily basis. They're also spying on anyone that's a threat to the Gov't power structure. To put it shortly, the Gov't wants you SURPRESSED to the full so you can be on their growing "Potential Slave Prospect" list.
This is why I NO longer participate in party politics because of the system's love for SURPRESSION. Parties of ALL types promote their philosophy in this destructible system called "Democracy". It's basically mob-rule over the opposers. The 50.1% rule over the 49.9% everytime--that's democracy in a nutshell. This is why I'm a proud AnCap(Anarcho-Capitalist) becasue I believe people can negotiate soultions to progress society without such a need for the ballot box or democracy in the first place.
Today my topic is on Surpression and why Government LOVES it. This one is going to be short and straight to the point. It doesn't matter what party you represent. It doesn't even matter whether it's federal, state, or local government(city & county)/ There's a good chance you participate in this pool of surpression and you don't even know it. Politics is about 2 things: Money & Power. And with that money & power, the influence of surpression grows.
I'll first tackle the topic of employment. It's America's number one topic. Tea Party groups are focused on it. Politicians use slick marketing words like, "Main Street" and "Constitution". The elites know what's up with the public. But let me tell you the cold hard fact why Government loves unemployment: "Potential Slave Prospects". The more people are unemployed, the Government "Potential Slave Prospect" list grows. If there's 0.5% unemployment and almost no one is on "Unemployment Benefits", the Gov't lose their power. That's the REAL reason Gov't LOVES unemployment.
Next up is Healthcare. Gov't bureaucracies intentions were to keep the country's citizens healthy. That's proven to be a BIG lie. The destructible FDA, DHS(Dept. Health & Human Services) only look out for BIG Pharma abd SURPRESSES Alternative Medicine altogether. Because of that, millions of Americans die because of that surpression of health freedom to heal one self. It's against American law to heal one self of dangerous chronic illnesses & diseases. Health Practitioners go to jail. Natural Cures get sealed from the public. The more people are cured of chronic illnesses, again--Gov't power is GONE FOREVER! The Gov't wants you sick and unhealthy. It means BIG profits for BIG Pharma, less vibrance for you. That's why you'll never hear such cures to illnesses from a FDA-Puppet doctor or the television.
The last topic I will touch civil freedoms & liberties in the shortest of manners. On Guns, under the so-called 2nd Amendment, you have the right to own a gun for protection from intruders and ALL levels of Gov't. But there's laws that can also take your gun away too. On Freedom of Speech, basically you have the right to say anything you please. But then again, Big Brother is banning books that help individuals to break away from Gov't on a daily basis. They're also spying on anyone that's a threat to the Gov't power structure. To put it shortly, the Gov't wants you SURPRESSED to the full so you can be on their growing "Potential Slave Prospect" list.
This is why I NO longer participate in party politics because of the system's love for SURPRESSION. Parties of ALL types promote their philosophy in this destructible system called "Democracy". It's basically mob-rule over the opposers. The 50.1% rule over the 49.9% everytime--that's democracy in a nutshell. This is why I'm a proud AnCap(Anarcho-Capitalist) becasue I believe people can negotiate soultions to progress society without such a need for the ballot box or democracy in the first place.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tea Party Conservatives: AGAINST ObamaCare, But Supports the FDA--Why?
I've been hearing these Tea Party Conservatives being cool with repealing ObamaCare, but still choose to lay in bed with the REAL culprits of the healthcare crisis--the FDA!
While the Tea Party Conservatives have good intentions of repealing Obamacare, but they lack mental toughness to abolish the FDA--The MOST dangerous bureaucracy around regarding healthcare. This is the very bureaucracy responsible to putting millions of Americans to death by supressing many life-saving prodcedures that could've been provided by the alternative medicine community. Don't believe the lies from Corporate Media--there ARE cures for almost every illness around to cure yourself with. There are many heroic advocates of Alternative Medicine--Dr. Mary Ruwart, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and Dr. Joseph Callahan just to name a few. Too bad the same Tea Party Conservatives lay in bed with Big Pharma(aka the FDA), the bureaucracy of surpression.
Here's another hypocritical stance the Tea Party Conservatives take regarding healthcare. It's one thing they're more than willing to advocate competition regarding lowering insurance costs across state lines, but when it comes to allowing Alternative Medicine to compete head-to-head against Big Pharma, their lips remain as silent as ever. There's more than enough knowledge for them to study the boundless natural rememdies to help them get cured of dangerous fatal-ridden diseases. So I don't wanna hear that there's lack of info regarding this matter. It's out there. It's just up to these Tea Party Conservatives to look for it themselves. As we know, the healthier you are, the cheaper the insurance plans. That's one concept the Tea Party Conservatives got right.
Another thing that's baffles me is that the Pro-Life crowd loves to defend fetuses, but when it comes to actual babies dying because of dangerous baby formulas on the market being sold to caring mothers on purpose, the Tea Party Conservatives are once again silent on this matter. The only 2 reasons I see Tea Party Conservatives oppose abortion: Murder & Tax Payer Funding. Last time I checked, babies are still defenseless even when they're out the womb. But again, the Tea Party Conservatives are in bed with Big Pharma--the same Big Pharma that put over 2,000 babies in the coffin regarding poisonous baby formulas.
So the next time Tea Party Conservatives say they're fighting for America's freedoms regarding healthcare, please think twice before you sign up to such an idea.
While the Tea Party Conservatives have good intentions of repealing Obamacare, but they lack mental toughness to abolish the FDA--The MOST dangerous bureaucracy around regarding healthcare. This is the very bureaucracy responsible to putting millions of Americans to death by supressing many life-saving prodcedures that could've been provided by the alternative medicine community. Don't believe the lies from Corporate Media--there ARE cures for almost every illness around to cure yourself with. There are many heroic advocates of Alternative Medicine--Dr. Mary Ruwart, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and Dr. Joseph Callahan just to name a few. Too bad the same Tea Party Conservatives lay in bed with Big Pharma(aka the FDA), the bureaucracy of surpression.
Here's another hypocritical stance the Tea Party Conservatives take regarding healthcare. It's one thing they're more than willing to advocate competition regarding lowering insurance costs across state lines, but when it comes to allowing Alternative Medicine to compete head-to-head against Big Pharma, their lips remain as silent as ever. There's more than enough knowledge for them to study the boundless natural rememdies to help them get cured of dangerous fatal-ridden diseases. So I don't wanna hear that there's lack of info regarding this matter. It's out there. It's just up to these Tea Party Conservatives to look for it themselves. As we know, the healthier you are, the cheaper the insurance plans. That's one concept the Tea Party Conservatives got right.
Another thing that's baffles me is that the Pro-Life crowd loves to defend fetuses, but when it comes to actual babies dying because of dangerous baby formulas on the market being sold to caring mothers on purpose, the Tea Party Conservatives are once again silent on this matter. The only 2 reasons I see Tea Party Conservatives oppose abortion: Murder & Tax Payer Funding. Last time I checked, babies are still defenseless even when they're out the womb. But again, the Tea Party Conservatives are in bed with Big Pharma--the same Big Pharma that put over 2,000 babies in the coffin regarding poisonous baby formulas.
So the next time Tea Party Conservatives say they're fighting for America's freedoms regarding healthcare, please think twice before you sign up to such an idea.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Why Self Leadership TRUMPS all Social Programs
Hello folks, this is Keith Dixon. Today, I'm going to discuss briefly why Self Leadership always trump Social Programs.
All Anarchists, Voluntaryists, Anarcho-Capitalists, and even members of the Twelve Visions Party all advocate self leadership in one way, or another. They all approve of responsibility going back to the individual and in different ways, they also agree that the individual is sovereign. It's the individual that determines their own future either in a good or bad way. All groups believe in the Non-Aggression Principle/Prime Law paradigm that allows one to be kept away from initiatory force, under all circumstances. They all know that Self Leadership is THE way to TRUE freedom. The BEST thing of all, they ALL reject the state as a whole in their unique platform.
Now we have Democrats & Republicans that wants NO one to be free. Here you have Democrats that would LOVE to fund all types of social programs to fix society's problems. Billions of dollars have been poored into these social programs like "Affirmative Action". Their so-called "objective" is to allow minorities to participate in certain functions such as education, or employment--even if they're NOT least in a bit qualified. But the problem is such a supporter is really supporting their own ignorance by allowing the Democrat politicians tell them "subliminally" that they're not good enough to compete in the world so the "less fortunate" runs to government to recieve permission to use their "ethnicity" to get in the door of such entities--and at worst, it has the very supporters doubting themselves forever by being brainwashed into such invisible coercion.
The Republicans on the other hand would LOVE to fund anything that's attached to their Christian values. Now I do agree that most women by nature are Pro-Life(and I agree w/ the Pro Life stance based ONLY on the fetus argument), but this does NOT mean that Gov't should force every woman to behave in a certain way. Most Republicans would love to believe that banning abortion would stop the promiscuity of the social scene in the world, but it won't. That means all the XXX rated shops would close down, strip clubs would cease to exist, even normal clubs themselves would be dull. If that doesn't spell initiatory force, I don't know what does.
As far as perfect utopias go, you can forget it. Perfection is just a dream, period. Nothing will be perfect BUT I'll be darn if a few people can make a few laws for everyone. There's nothing wrong with being "Liberal" or "Conservative" by nature. Folks can still lift themselves up even under a stateless society. If anything, if society was set up in such a way instead of using the very destructive SCAM called the ballot box to give us a better life, society would have less problems in general.
All Anarchists, Voluntaryists, Anarcho-Capitalists, and even members of the Twelve Visions Party all advocate self leadership in one way, or another. They all approve of responsibility going back to the individual and in different ways, they also agree that the individual is sovereign. It's the individual that determines their own future either in a good or bad way. All groups believe in the Non-Aggression Principle/Prime Law paradigm that allows one to be kept away from initiatory force, under all circumstances. They all know that Self Leadership is THE way to TRUE freedom. The BEST thing of all, they ALL reject the state as a whole in their unique platform.
Now we have Democrats & Republicans that wants NO one to be free. Here you have Democrats that would LOVE to fund all types of social programs to fix society's problems. Billions of dollars have been poored into these social programs like "Affirmative Action". Their so-called "objective" is to allow minorities to participate in certain functions such as education, or employment--even if they're NOT least in a bit qualified. But the problem is such a supporter is really supporting their own ignorance by allowing the Democrat politicians tell them "subliminally" that they're not good enough to compete in the world so the "less fortunate" runs to government to recieve permission to use their "ethnicity" to get in the door of such entities--and at worst, it has the very supporters doubting themselves forever by being brainwashed into such invisible coercion.
The Republicans on the other hand would LOVE to fund anything that's attached to their Christian values. Now I do agree that most women by nature are Pro-Life(and I agree w/ the Pro Life stance based ONLY on the fetus argument), but this does NOT mean that Gov't should force every woman to behave in a certain way. Most Republicans would love to believe that banning abortion would stop the promiscuity of the social scene in the world, but it won't. That means all the XXX rated shops would close down, strip clubs would cease to exist, even normal clubs themselves would be dull. If that doesn't spell initiatory force, I don't know what does.
As far as perfect utopias go, you can forget it. Perfection is just a dream, period. Nothing will be perfect BUT I'll be darn if a few people can make a few laws for everyone. There's nothing wrong with being "Liberal" or "Conservative" by nature. Folks can still lift themselves up even under a stateless society. If anything, if society was set up in such a way instead of using the very destructive SCAM called the ballot box to give us a better life, society would have less problems in general.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Why The Twelve Visions Party is better than the Libertarian Party
Hello folks, once again my name is Keith Dixon and I want to explain if I was a voter, I would support the Twelve Visions Party over the Libertarian Party. I'll break down the differences of the two in a short, but sweet detail.
Size of Government:
Twelve Visions Party = NO Rule of Man (No Government, replaced by Prime Law) (translation: Non-Aggression Principle)
Libertarian Party = Limited Government (Gov't still equipped with GUNS)
Twelve Visions Party = Free-Market dynamics w/o the State (Anarcho Capitalism)
Libertarian Party = Free Market Capitalism (State still plays "referree")
Income Level:
Twelve Visions Party = UNLIMITED WEALTH
Libertarian Party = LIMITED WEALTH(State still play referee)
Health Care:
Twelve Visions Party = Eradication of the FDA,USDA; De-Regulated alternative medicine
Libertarian Party = Private Sector soultions to medicine
Twelve Visions Party = Eradication of the Dept. of Education, Abolish Child-Labor laws
Libertarian Party = Abolishing the Dept. of Education
Campaign Fund Policies:
Twelve Visions Party = Self Funded; NeoThink Business Alliance
Libertarian Party = Voluntary donations from the public
Party Slogans:
Twelve Visions Party = "Make ALL the People RICH including the poor"
Libertarian Party = "Free Markets & Civil Liberties"(both are referree'd by the State)
End Game:
Twelve Visions Party = Twelve Visions World (TRANSLATION: Voluntary society)
Libertarian Party = Peaceful World (Statism still intact)
....On everything else, they agree upon--with slight differences.
These are areas that the Twelve Visions Party DESTROYS the Libertarian Party and leaves it in the dust. Besides, I could go further than this, but this is pretty much self-explanatory in itself. I know some "Anarchists" are gonna be upset about such policies within the Twelve Visions Party, but let's be real here--wishing for everyone to stop going to the polls is very unrealistic at best. When the Twelve Visions Party actually ABOLISH the State, the party dissolves FOREVER. The LP however, wants to stay in power. The TVP only wants to DEPOLITICIZE THE COUNTRY (translation: ABOLISH the State!) and make all Americans live like MILLIONAIRES, too. I say that is incredible! Also in TVP, there are NO "politicians" in the party, and the party is clearly made up of Honest Market Businesspeople, PERIOD!! Too bad the Libertarian Party can't say that.
Size of Government:
Twelve Visions Party = NO Rule of Man (No Government, replaced by Prime Law) (translation: Non-Aggression Principle)
Libertarian Party = Limited Government (Gov't still equipped with GUNS)
Twelve Visions Party = Free-Market dynamics w/o the State (Anarcho Capitalism)
Libertarian Party = Free Market Capitalism (State still plays "referree")
Income Level:
Twelve Visions Party = UNLIMITED WEALTH
Libertarian Party = LIMITED WEALTH(State still play referee)
Health Care:
Twelve Visions Party = Eradication of the FDA,USDA; De-Regulated alternative medicine
Libertarian Party = Private Sector soultions to medicine
Twelve Visions Party = Eradication of the Dept. of Education, Abolish Child-Labor laws
Libertarian Party = Abolishing the Dept. of Education
Campaign Fund Policies:
Twelve Visions Party = Self Funded; NeoThink Business Alliance
Libertarian Party = Voluntary donations from the public
Party Slogans:
Twelve Visions Party = "Make ALL the People RICH including the poor"
Libertarian Party = "Free Markets & Civil Liberties"(both are referree'd by the State)
End Game:
Twelve Visions Party = Twelve Visions World (TRANSLATION: Voluntary society)
Libertarian Party = Peaceful World (Statism still intact)
....On everything else, they agree upon--with slight differences.
These are areas that the Twelve Visions Party DESTROYS the Libertarian Party and leaves it in the dust. Besides, I could go further than this, but this is pretty much self-explanatory in itself. I know some "Anarchists" are gonna be upset about such policies within the Twelve Visions Party, but let's be real here--wishing for everyone to stop going to the polls is very unrealistic at best. When the Twelve Visions Party actually ABOLISH the State, the party dissolves FOREVER. The LP however, wants to stay in power. The TVP only wants to DEPOLITICIZE THE COUNTRY (translation: ABOLISH the State!) and make all Americans live like MILLIONAIRES, too. I say that is incredible! Also in TVP, there are NO "politicians" in the party, and the party is clearly made up of Honest Market Businesspeople, PERIOD!! Too bad the Libertarian Party can't say that.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Urban Farming: A Massive Joke & A Revitalization Scam
This is the latest scam being buzzed about from central planning Keynesians today. This has to be the most idiotic, BS joke of a plan I have ever heard. Idiotic plans like this is THE reason I left the pathetic Democrat Party in 2003. This joke-of-a-scam is seasonal at best. There is NO long-term economic development component to this, either. This is why you should never trust central planners OR fiscal conservatives to have control over the economy. I'll point this out in one sentence:
Central Planning = LEFT WING economic favortism
Fiscal Conservatism = RIGHT WING economic favortism
There's another reason I won't trust this joke-of-a-scam gimmick is because of their lack of denouncement from the Food & Drug Administration. As most know, the Food & Drug Administration is responsible for millions & millions of lives thanks to their surpression of natrual medicine. Where's their denouncement of the FDA? It's nowhere to be found. Most of these urban farmer supporters would have NO knowledge where to gather natural crops so the food they sell (from the crops) will not benefit the customer's health. If anything, it could re-introduce that customer to health-realted problems.
Here's the MOST RIDICULOUS layer of this argument: Tax credits from guess who? The pathetic, bankrupt FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! Tax credits are nothing more than temporary handouts for industries (remember Cash for Clunkers & TARP, anyone?) Providing tax credits to a seasonal scam at best will produce nothing but a bigger deficit, and more unhealthy human beings (thanks to the lack of knowledge of crops most urban farming supporters do NOT have). If you live in Detroit, Chicago, New York City, Washington DC, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Boston, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and you want a REAL LONG-TERM economic solution for your city, start studying Austrian Economics, OK?
Central Planning = LEFT WING economic favortism
Fiscal Conservatism = RIGHT WING economic favortism
There's another reason I won't trust this joke-of-a-scam gimmick is because of their lack of denouncement from the Food & Drug Administration. As most know, the Food & Drug Administration is responsible for millions & millions of lives thanks to their surpression of natrual medicine. Where's their denouncement of the FDA? It's nowhere to be found. Most of these urban farmer supporters would have NO knowledge where to gather natural crops so the food they sell (from the crops) will not benefit the customer's health. If anything, it could re-introduce that customer to health-realted problems.
Here's the MOST RIDICULOUS layer of this argument: Tax credits from guess who? The pathetic, bankrupt FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! Tax credits are nothing more than temporary handouts for industries (remember Cash for Clunkers & TARP, anyone?) Providing tax credits to a seasonal scam at best will produce nothing but a bigger deficit, and more unhealthy human beings (thanks to the lack of knowledge of crops most urban farming supporters do NOT have). If you live in Detroit, Chicago, New York City, Washington DC, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Boston, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and you want a REAL LONG-TERM economic solution for your city, start studying Austrian Economics, OK?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Competitive Education & a TRUE Free Market System: How Both Can Flourish In The Inner Cities Today
Hello, my name is Keith Dixon aka the Hip-Hop Libertarian. Today, I'm gonna explain why an untouched competitve education field and an untouched free market can bring TRUE liberty & freedom in the inner cities today.
First off, I'll touch on competitive education. We all hear politicians use the rhetoric about how education is the key to a successful life. The problem today is NONE of those big-city politicians really support the TRUE form of education. They all support a institutionalized monopoly and wants NO competition involved, period. This is a clear case of indoctrination, NOT education. Let's be real folks. Most unionized teachers today are NOT teachers, they're professional babysitters. The children are learning absolutely NOTHING except dependence on government in these classrooms, to put it in a bluntly honest way. Monopolized education only creates chaos and more stagnation in children's thinking. High school dropouts percentages are above 50% in most big cities today. Truancy is also on the rise as well. The REAL reason dropout rates and truancy is high is because of the stagnant nature of the cirriculum the children are FORCED to learn from. How can you fix this problem? Competitive education w/ NO monopoly. I'll explain how education can be evolved into a much better and successful outcome. Here's how:
Choices: Choices give the parents freedom to give their child maximum oppurtunities to learn as much as possible. It also gives the child a much more diverse and complete outlook on the working class world too.
Emphasis on Essense of Occupation: Anyone can apply for a high-paying job and chase the Jonses. But if that child doesn't have a natural love for that occupation, chances are they're gonna grow up depressed, unfulfilled riddled w/ debt trying to chase the Jonses.
Essence-Driven Enviroment: (For example)--I see NOTHING wrong with pairing a room of future singers, poets and rap artists in the same classroom for 5-10 years straight. If they love it, chances are they'll wanna learn it regardless of structure and then putting them in a play or at an mini concert at 8-10 yrs. old displaying their true nature and even getting "paid" for it as well.
Incentive-Driven Internships: Let's be real folks. Kids wanna get paid for what they're learning about. Creating an incentive-based internship enviroment would not only keep them "monetarily motivated", but also happy about recieving a stipend for what they LOVE to do to "wet their appetites" a bit.
In this paragraph, I'll touch on how the free market can help a inner city community explode with prosperity. The bigger the enterpreneurial spirit grows, the better for the disadvantanged and the less fortnate. The essence of a job is PRODUCTION. Human beings through their nature have the inclination or the natural desire to produce to fulfill one's physical and emotional needs. After a person produces, one becomes fulfilled for that day. The problem I have with "fiscally conservatives" is that they play favorites by giving tax cuts to conservative-favored industries and that's why TRUE free-marketeers REJECT that term overall. Most inner cities have a VERY HIGH unemployment rates--and that's simply because you have Central-Planning Keynesians in city government. Central Planning "Keynesians" believe in ONE thing and that is GOVERNMENT SPENDING. They foolishly believe that that government spending is the way to prosperity, but the opposite is quite true. For example: I saw how my new Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and the Detroit City Council approved $11M for a measly 7,000 summer jobs for the city's youth. $11M for 7,000 children for ONE summer? That's ridiculous. While if I was a Mayor in a cash-strapped city (and Detroit definitely is), I would DISMISS the ridiculous notion of a business tax and pass an ordinace of a voluntary tax to ALL businesses so they can hire WAY more than 7,000 children with NO gov't handout whatsoever--and it would last year after year and so on.....a untouched free market is the REAL way to stimulate an struggling economy, not Central-Planned "Keynesianism"!
First off, I'll touch on competitive education. We all hear politicians use the rhetoric about how education is the key to a successful life. The problem today is NONE of those big-city politicians really support the TRUE form of education. They all support a institutionalized monopoly and wants NO competition involved, period. This is a clear case of indoctrination, NOT education. Let's be real folks. Most unionized teachers today are NOT teachers, they're professional babysitters. The children are learning absolutely NOTHING except dependence on government in these classrooms, to put it in a bluntly honest way. Monopolized education only creates chaos and more stagnation in children's thinking. High school dropouts percentages are above 50% in most big cities today. Truancy is also on the rise as well. The REAL reason dropout rates and truancy is high is because of the stagnant nature of the cirriculum the children are FORCED to learn from. How can you fix this problem? Competitive education w/ NO monopoly. I'll explain how education can be evolved into a much better and successful outcome. Here's how:
Choices: Choices give the parents freedom to give their child maximum oppurtunities to learn as much as possible. It also gives the child a much more diverse and complete outlook on the working class world too.
Emphasis on Essense of Occupation: Anyone can apply for a high-paying job and chase the Jonses. But if that child doesn't have a natural love for that occupation, chances are they're gonna grow up depressed, unfulfilled riddled w/ debt trying to chase the Jonses.
Essence-Driven Enviroment: (For example)--I see NOTHING wrong with pairing a room of future singers, poets and rap artists in the same classroom for 5-10 years straight. If they love it, chances are they'll wanna learn it regardless of structure and then putting them in a play or at an mini concert at 8-10 yrs. old displaying their true nature and even getting "paid" for it as well.
Incentive-Driven Internships: Let's be real folks. Kids wanna get paid for what they're learning about. Creating an incentive-based internship enviroment would not only keep them "monetarily motivated", but also happy about recieving a stipend for what they LOVE to do to "wet their appetites" a bit.
In this paragraph, I'll touch on how the free market can help a inner city community explode with prosperity. The bigger the enterpreneurial spirit grows, the better for the disadvantanged and the less fortnate. The essence of a job is PRODUCTION. Human beings through their nature have the inclination or the natural desire to produce to fulfill one's physical and emotional needs. After a person produces, one becomes fulfilled for that day. The problem I have with "fiscally conservatives" is that they play favorites by giving tax cuts to conservative-favored industries and that's why TRUE free-marketeers REJECT that term overall. Most inner cities have a VERY HIGH unemployment rates--and that's simply because you have Central-Planning Keynesians in city government. Central Planning "Keynesians" believe in ONE thing and that is GOVERNMENT SPENDING. They foolishly believe that that government spending is the way to prosperity, but the opposite is quite true. For example: I saw how my new Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and the Detroit City Council approved $11M for a measly 7,000 summer jobs for the city's youth. $11M for 7,000 children for ONE summer? That's ridiculous. While if I was a Mayor in a cash-strapped city (and Detroit definitely is), I would DISMISS the ridiculous notion of a business tax and pass an ordinace of a voluntary tax to ALL businesses so they can hire WAY more than 7,000 children with NO gov't handout whatsoever--and it would last year after year and so on.....a untouched free market is the REAL way to stimulate an struggling economy, not Central-Planned "Keynesianism"!
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