Hello Liberty heads, this is Keith Dixon once again.
Today my topic is on Surpression and why Government LOVES it. This one is going to be short and straight to the point. It doesn't matter what party you represent. It doesn't even matter whether it's federal, state, or local government(city & county)/ There's a good chance you participate in this pool of surpression and you don't even know it. Politics is about 2 things: Money & Power. And with that money & power, the influence of surpression grows.
I'll first tackle the topic of employment. It's America's number one topic. Tea Party groups are focused on it. Politicians use slick marketing words like, "Main Street" and "Constitution". The elites know what's up with the public. But let me tell you the cold hard fact why Government loves unemployment: "Potential Slave Prospects". The more people are unemployed, the Government "Potential Slave Prospect" list grows. If there's 0.5% unemployment and almost no one is on "Unemployment Benefits", the Gov't lose their power. That's the REAL reason Gov't LOVES unemployment.
Next up is Healthcare. Gov't bureaucracies intentions were to keep the country's citizens healthy. That's proven to be a BIG lie. The destructible FDA, DHS(Dept. Health & Human Services) only look out for BIG Pharma abd SURPRESSES Alternative Medicine altogether. Because of that, millions of Americans die because of that surpression of health freedom to heal one self. It's against American law to heal one self of dangerous chronic illnesses & diseases. Health Practitioners go to jail. Natural Cures get sealed from the public. The more people are cured of chronic illnesses, again--Gov't power is GONE FOREVER! The Gov't wants you sick and unhealthy. It means BIG profits for BIG Pharma, less vibrance for you. That's why you'll never hear such cures to illnesses from a FDA-Puppet doctor or the television.
The last topic I will touch civil freedoms & liberties in the shortest of manners. On Guns, under the so-called 2nd Amendment, you have the right to own a gun for protection from intruders and ALL levels of Gov't. But there's laws that can also take your gun away too. On Freedom of Speech, basically you have the right to say anything you please. But then again, Big Brother is banning books that help individuals to break away from Gov't on a daily basis. They're also spying on anyone that's a threat to the Gov't power structure. To put it shortly, the Gov't wants you SURPRESSED to the full so you can be on their growing "Potential Slave Prospect" list.
This is why I NO longer participate in party politics because of the system's love for SURPRESSION. Parties of ALL types promote their philosophy in this destructible system called "Democracy". It's basically mob-rule over the opposers. The 50.1% rule over the 49.9% everytime--that's democracy in a nutshell. This is why I'm a proud AnCap(Anarcho-Capitalist) becasue I believe people can negotiate soultions to progress society without such a need for the ballot box or democracy in the first place.
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