This is the latest scam being buzzed about from central planning Keynesians today. This has to be the most idiotic, BS joke of a plan I have ever heard. Idiotic plans like this is THE reason I left the pathetic Democrat Party in 2003. This joke-of-a-scam is seasonal at best. There is NO long-term economic development component to this, either. This is why you should never trust central planners OR fiscal conservatives to have control over the economy. I'll point this out in one sentence:
Central Planning = LEFT WING economic favortism
Fiscal Conservatism = RIGHT WING economic favortism
There's another reason I won't trust this joke-of-a-scam gimmick is because of their lack of denouncement from the Food & Drug Administration. As most know, the Food & Drug Administration is responsible for millions & millions of lives thanks to their surpression of natrual medicine. Where's their denouncement of the FDA? It's nowhere to be found. Most of these urban farmer supporters would have NO knowledge where to gather natural crops so the food they sell (from the crops) will not benefit the customer's health. If anything, it could re-introduce that customer to health-realted problems.
Here's the MOST RIDICULOUS layer of this argument: Tax credits from guess who? The pathetic, bankrupt FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! Tax credits are nothing more than temporary handouts for industries (remember Cash for Clunkers & TARP, anyone?) Providing tax credits to a seasonal scam at best will produce nothing but a bigger deficit, and more unhealthy human beings (thanks to the lack of knowledge of crops most urban farming supporters do NOT have). If you live in Detroit, Chicago, New York City, Washington DC, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Boston, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and you want a REAL LONG-TERM economic solution for your city, start studying Austrian Economics, OK?
I blogged about the ridiculous urban farming proposals in Detroit a few months back. It's nothing more than corporate welfare, stripping down blighted city blocks and giving them to would-be factory farms. Real urban farming is a squatters movement, and an honest society would recognize squatters rights in those circumstances. I'm saddened that the urban farming movement is being co-opted by statists.