Hello folks, this is Keith Dixon. Today, I'm going to discuss briefly why Self Leadership always trump Social Programs.
All Anarchists, Voluntaryists, Anarcho-Capitalists, and even members of the Twelve Visions Party all advocate self leadership in one way, or another. They all approve of responsibility going back to the individual and in different ways, they also agree that the individual is sovereign. It's the individual that determines their own future either in a good or bad way. All groups believe in the Non-Aggression Principle/Prime Law paradigm that allows one to be kept away from initiatory force, under all circumstances. They all know that Self Leadership is THE way to TRUE freedom. The BEST thing of all, they ALL reject the state as a whole in their unique platform.
Now we have Democrats & Republicans that wants NO one to be free. Here you have Democrats that would LOVE to fund all types of social programs to fix society's problems. Billions of dollars have been poored into these social programs like "Affirmative Action". Their so-called "objective" is to allow minorities to participate in certain functions such as education, or employment--even if they're NOT least in a bit qualified. But the problem is such a supporter is really supporting their own ignorance by allowing the Democrat politicians tell them "subliminally" that they're not good enough to compete in the world so the "less fortunate" runs to government to recieve permission to use their "ethnicity" to get in the door of such entities--and at worst, it has the very supporters doubting themselves forever by being brainwashed into such invisible coercion.
The Republicans on the other hand would LOVE to fund anything that's attached to their Christian values. Now I do agree that most women by nature are Pro-Life(and I agree w/ the Pro Life stance based ONLY on the fetus argument), but this does NOT mean that Gov't should force every woman to behave in a certain way. Most Republicans would love to believe that banning abortion would stop the promiscuity of the social scene in the world, but it won't. That means all the XXX rated shops would close down, strip clubs would cease to exist, even normal clubs themselves would be dull. If that doesn't spell initiatory force, I don't know what does.
As far as perfect utopias go, you can forget it. Perfection is just a dream, period. Nothing will be perfect BUT I'll be darn if a few people can make a few laws for everyone. There's nothing wrong with being "Liberal" or "Conservative" by nature. Folks can still lift themselves up even under a stateless society. If anything, if society was set up in such a way instead of using the very destructive SCAM called the ballot box to give us a better life, society would have less problems in general.
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