Hello folks, this is Keith Dixon again. Today, I'm going to touch on the horrendus impact of the dangerous love affair with minimum wages and a massive hatred toward self-education and salaries. What's the REAL reason the NAACP elitists and every civil rights initiative discouraged every inner city community to NOT read books regarding free market economics or anything similar?
The first piece of the answer to that question has to do with POWER. Haven't you heard the ol' saying that "Knowledge Is Power"? The NAACP elitists had to know the tricks of the trade regarding control of the masses, in this case--the inner-city residents. It's funny these NAACP operatives tell us to read everyday but yet doesn't encourage the community to be self-educated. This is a classic case of modern slavery, don't you think? The NAACP elitists had to know if the masses started to read books and get ideas on their own with the NAACP's permission, the NAACP and all the evil civil rights cronies would be powerless and they know it. Unemployment rates amongst inner cities would've been kept low. Our kids would be learning about entrepreneurship, banks, capital, and business in general. But instead, the progress of the inner-cities has stagnated dramatically. Why? Here's the $1,000,000 answer to that question(no surprise here).....
The offering of a minumum wage (aka "quick money"). It was specifically designed to STOP the progress of self-leadership and the growth of self-education amongst the inner cities. The NAACP elitists was aware of this so they continue to spread this sudden DEMONIZATION of not just salaries or self-responsibility, but that brainwashed motive was spread quickly to anyone who deemed "RICH". Most folks know that the so-called "rich" started off poor but they continued to read books regarding business, innovation, and other things. That's how the majority of the RICH became RICH through....guess what--APPLICATION & HARD WORK along with....READING BOOKS!!!
Let's also look at the impact of unemployment rates amongst ALL of the major cities involved: ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/29/unemployment-in-june-the_n_246950.html )
Detroit, MI tops that list accrording to the Huffington Post. As we know, Motown was once the KING of the automobile world, but it's also KING to unionization as well. And because of that community's strong belief in unionized employment, the unemployment rate remains high--making it tough for people to find work. But all these major cities believe in unionization, which the minimum wage is the MAIN key to gain employment with a set wage. This is how most or all unions chose to be compensated for their workers' illiteracy instead of learning the truth about what prosperity REALLY is.
So what's the final result of minimum wages and their impact in inner-cities? Two words: HIGH ILLITERACY and POVERTY. Nothing's funny when you're dumb--but it's worse when you're DUMB & BROKE thanks to the NAACP elitists and ALL civil rights initiatives. There's only ONE way ALL of the inner-city communties can fight back against this hidden evil of "minimum wages" and that's to read books about the TRUTH of wealth creation. Mix it up with a few inspiring ideas, and "WALLA"--in 10 years, inner-city communities will ALL be restored in that timeframe. And also, it would rid the hatred of prosperous suburbanites as well too. :)